Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Transfer From Active Duty to National Guard or Reserves

Transfer From Active Duty to National Guard or ReservesTransfer From Active Duty to National Guard or ReservesSome of the U.S. armed services allow personnel to request early gestaffelte anordnung to serve in the National Guard or Active Reserves. The other active duty services occasionally will allow you to request a discharge from active duty to serve in the Guard or Reserves under a Convenience of the Government Discharge. When the Military Could Request a Discharge The military can also use this provision when it wants to initiate a separationbut doesnt have a basis to require your separation under any other program. For example, if you won the state lottery and became a multi-millionaire overnight, the military probably would find it disruptive to the morale ofthe other personnel. In such a case, they would likely approve a discharge request under convenience of the government. However, to qualify, you must be within a designated time (usually one or two years) from your mus ter date of separation. Approval is not automatic, and approvals for transfer are based on the needs of the service at the time. Service Commitment for Reserves It may surprise you to learn that everyone who joins the military for the first time incurs a minimum eight-year service commitment. It doesnt matter if you signed a two-year active duty contract, a four-year contract, or even a six-year contract. Your total military commitment is eight years. Any time not spent on active duty must either be served in the Active Guard/Reserves, (the program where one performs drill one weekend per month, and two weeks per year,) or in the inactive Reserves. In the inactive Reserves, one doesnt perform drills, but can be recalled to active duty at any time for war, or national emergency). Early Discharge from Active Duty While you can easily get discharged from theDelayed Enlistment Program (DEP), getting out of the militaryonce you are on active duty and before your active duty commi tment ends is not a simple process. In almost all cases, the onus will be on the military member requesting the discharge to prove that the action is justified. Other Reasons for Early Discharge from Active Duty The Department of Defense will allow a military member to be discharged early to pursue their education if they are within 90 days of their normal separation date. Sometimes the Navy or Air Force will approve a request for longer than 90 days, but no such provision exists in the Army or Marines. There are some conditions, however. Unlike in the past, when pregnancy was a reason for automatic discharge for women in the military, there are now specific rules about when a pregnant woman can request leave and for how long. These will vary based on the branch of service shes in and her specific medical circumstances. Be advised that if you do receive a discharge due to pregnancy, the type of discharge (honorable or general) will affect the type of benefits youre entitled to a nd your veteran status.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to become mentally strong 3 secrets from neuroscience

How to become mentally strong 3 secrets from neuroscienceHow to become mentally strong 3 secrets from neuroscienceEver get to the point wzu siche your brain is just pooped? The ol grey matter is waving the white flag. Youre exhausted. You cant go on. Youve got no more mental energyWell, sorry, but thats just notlage true.In fact, you know its not true. When the deadline is in 5 hours, you can work for five hours straight. But when the deadline is next week, suddenly you cant work for 20 minutes before your eyes are glazing over. What gives?Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Oddly enough, we can find an answer in cutting edge research coming out of Would you believe me if I said professional sports? Seriously.A sprinter breaks a record. The commentators are saying how that competitor gave it his or her all Really? Did the sprinter use every bit of energy they had? Then why didnt they die? Im serious.Why didnt their heart stop beating because it had no energy? Why didnt their brain stop functioning from lack of calories? Why didnt their thighs muscles snap?But youve never seen an athlete just die from exhaustion, have you? Why not? Something flipped the tired switch before their heart, brain or muscles gave out. Long before.And that thing is your governor. No, were not talking about politics. Were talking Central Governor Theory. Something in your brain that regulates energy use in your body - and your mind.At the end of a grueling event have you ever seen an athlete kick it into high gear? They were wiped, but suddenly the finish line is visible and the afterburners kick in. If they were really out of gas, how could they kick it up a notch in the final moments?Because they werent out of gas. Their governor told them they were tired. But with the end in sight, wily old G stopped holding-gesellschaft them back.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elasti c Limits of Human PerformanceBut when I asked Noakes for the single most convincing piece of evidence in favor of his theory, he said, without hesitation, the end spurt. How could the runners at Comrades, after pushing themselves through 56 miles of hell, summon a finishing sprint to beat the 12-hour limit? Conventional physiology suggests that you get progressively more fatigued over the course of a run, as muscle fibers fail and fuel stores are emptied. But then, when the end is in sight, you speed up. Clearly your muscles were capable of going faster in the preceding miles so why didnt they?Your brain doesnt want your gas tank to ever get anywhere close to zero. It doesnt want you to blow ligaments or tear muscles. And it also knows that its quite the energy hog itself, with your neurons burning as many as 20% of your daily calories.So its a miser. The governor errs on the side of being conservative. And your body and your mind feel tired long before youve gotten anywhere near em pty.But can we trick that governor into easing up a bit so we can increase our mental stamina? aya we can. The answer lies at the intersection of sports science and neuroscience. And its not nearly as difficult as you think.Lets get to it 1) Cheer upWant to be mentally tougher? Want the challenges ahead to seem easier? Try this esoteric technique called smiling.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance known as the facial feedback hypothesis, an idea that can be traced back to Charles Darwin just as emotions trigger a physical response, that physical response can amplify or perhaps even create the corresponding emotion. Related experiments have extended this finding to clusters of related mental states smiling, for instance, makes you happier, but it also enhances feelings of safety and- intriguingly- cognitive ease, a concept intimately tied to effort.You get exhausted and you grimace. But when you grimace you make yourself tired. The feedback lo op works both ways. So smile. You can trick your governor into thinking things are easy.Across the board, feeling good increases endurance. Optimism increases grit. Looking at cute animals reduces stress. And thats not only true in the lab What do people with the highest levels of mental and physical endurance say? When I interviewed Army Ranger Joe Asher he said this welches the attitude that got him through his incredibly difficult trainingIf I can laugh once a day, every day Im in Ranger School, Ill make it through.Navy SEAL Platoon Commander James Waters told me the same thingYouve got to have fun and be able to laugh laugh at yourself and laugh at what youre doing. My best friend and I laughed our way through BUD/S.If you want to be able to endure, be positive. Smile. Laugh. It helps people keep going during the toughest moments in life, including combat and severe illness.From Resilience The Science of Mastering Lifes Greatest ChallengesSubstantial evidence exists for the effe ctiveness of humor as a coping mechanism. Studies involving combat veterans (Hendin Haas, 1984), cancer patients (Carver, 1993), and surgical patients (Culver et al., 2002) have found that when humor is used to reduce the threatening nature of stressful situations, it is associated with resilience and the capacity to tolerate stress (Martin, 2003).(To learn more about the science of a successful life, check out my bestselling book here.)Now if that was all it took, high school cheerleaders would win all the Nobel Prizes in physics and go on to be Navy SEALs. So what else does it take to build mental endurance?2) Train your brainYour brain is a muscle. Its cliche, I know. But even when we want to get mentally stronger we sure dont put that metaphor into action.If you wanted bigger biceps, youd increase the weight at the gym. And if you want more brain stamina, you need to systematically increase how long you make it work.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Hu man Performance long years of training help the mind adapt to resist mental fatigue, just as the body adapts to resist physical fatigue.You might say, work gets boring. But thats not you talking thats your governor. Its sneaky, making you feel bored or tired so you never get anywhere close to your capacity - or your potential.Every time youre doing some serious brain work, try and go a little longer without a break.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human PerformanceBeing boring is an important characteristic for inducing mental fatigue and, therefore, a brain training effect, he replied. Just do a longer session of one test at a time.Georgetown professor and author of the bestseller Deep Work, Cal Newport, recommends the exact same thing. Doing a little more each day is a simple method for increasing your brains stamina.(To learn the seven-step morning ritual that will make you happy all day, click here.)Dont stop reading now - dont give in to your govern or. Just one more left 3) Perception beats realityIf it was all about how much gas you have in the tank, then your energy levels would always determine your performance. And you know thats not the case.Ever work longer and harder because theres a looming deadline? Ever suddenly feel tired because you look at the clock and realize youve been at it for hours? So its not about how depleted you actually are - its about how exhausted you think you are.Researchers call this perceived exertion. Your brain relies on cues from your body and environment to determine when you should feel exhausted - and when the governor should kick in.Researchers at Canterbury Christ Church University in Britain gave cyclists doses of caffeine before a series of time trials - but they didnt tell them exactly how much. The subjects that believed they had been given a moderate dose rode 1.3 percent faster. If they thought they had taken a high dose they were 3.1 percent faster. And those who thought they got the placebo rode 1.4 percent slower. But guess what?They had all been given the placebo. Their performance differences were completely due to their beliefs, not how much energy they really had. So we need to trick that governor.What makes you feel like youve been working hard? Do you eye the clock and say, Jeez, Ive been at this for hours? Do you look at the work youve completed and say, Whoa. Thats a lot?Reduce how much effort your governor perceives and youll reduce how tired you feel. And whats the best way to do that? Make any mental effort into a game.Work challenges you, frustrates you and takes hours. And you get tired. Video games challenge you, frustrate you and can take hours. And theyre addicting. Its all about perception.When you see things as a game, you dont perceive effort the same way. And so you keep going.Whats one of the things people who live through disaster scenarios have in common? They make survival a game.Happiness expert Shawn Achor said the best way to de al with stress is to see problems as challenges, not threats.Kids do better in school when its treated like a game.And Navy SEALJames Waters said the same thing about getting through his trainingMany people dont recognize that what theyre doing at BUD/S is assessing your ability to handle a difficult circumstance and keep going. Its a game. If you want to be a Navy SEAL, youve got to play that game. Youve got to have fun with it and youve got to keep your eye on the bigger picture.So how do you make things into a game? Challenge yourself. Set a goal. Get feedback. Score yourself. And try to do better. Can I accomplish this faster than I did last time? Can I cut this from 5 pages to 4 and still get my point across?(To learn more about how to increase mental toughness - from Navy SEALs and Olympians, click here.)Okay, weve learned a lot. Lets round it all up and find out why everyones favorite mental stamina booster - caffeine - is proof that these tips can help Sum UpThis is how t o become mentally strongCheer up Smile. Be optimistic. Laugh. They improve endurance and grit. (Side effects may include happiness and enjoying life.)Train your brain Push that mental muscle and it will grow. Work a little longer each time and youll be able to work a lot longer over time.Perceptions beats reality Reduce the signals that make you think things are tiring and they wont be as tiring. Make it a game instead of a chore.Caffeine gives you more energy, right? Wrong. Caffeine doesnt give you more of anything.Adenosine is a chemical in your body that tells your brain youre tired. And caffeine blocks adenosine. The tired glaubenszeugnis never reaches the governor, and so the governor doesnt hit the brakes. Caffeine works via that same principle we talked about above - it reduces perception of effort.And that, dearie, is what keeps coffee-guzzling bloggers blogging.From Endure Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance caffeines ability to shut down rece ptors in the brain that detect the presence of adenosine, a neuromodulator molecule associated with mental fatigue. Warding off mental fatigue, in turn, keeps your sense of effort lower, allowing you to exert yourself harder and longer.So you dont need more energy. You need to act like a giant caffeine molecule and hide cues in your environment that remind you how tired you should be.Throw in a few laughs and smiles. Build your endurance over time by extending your bouts of work a little each time. And, most of all, keep the Central Governor Theory in mind. You can always do more than you think.Remember how The Little Engine That Could kept going? Well, that tiny train didnt read as much science as you do, so youre one step ahead of him. She said, I think I can.You know you can.This article first appeared at Barking Up the Wrong Tree.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should You Apply to This Job

Should You Apply to This Job Should You Apply to This Job Ask yourself these questions before you submit your next job application.Let’s face it â€" applying to jobs can be a tedious and time-consuming process, especially when each application is properly tailored. Before you submit your resume for another job, make sure it’s worth your time.Review the job description carefully and ask yourself the following questions before you invest in your next job application.Do I meet the requirements?Job descriptions often contain a wish list of skills, education and experience the hiring manager would like to see in an ideal candidate. However, that’s exactly what it is â€" a wish list. Instead of getting caught up in every desired skill in the description, focus on the must-haves for the role. If you don’t meet the core requirements for the role, this application is not worth your time.Are my qualifications obvious?It’s not enough to simply possess the right skills and experience for the job; you have to advertise those qualifications to the gatekeepers and hiring manager. Incorporate key terms from the job’s requirements into your resume and test your resume’s readability with a friend. If your friend has difficulty identifying your qualifications against the job description, then you know it’s still not clear enough.Am I within commutable distance of the job? Or if you’re in sales, do you have an established book of business in this area?Employers tend to favor local candidates, as they’re less expensive to hire and less likely to jump ship. If the position requires relocation, let employers know in your cover letter that there’s a good reason for the move. In other words, make it clear you didn’t make this decision on a whim and that you’re not an expensive flight risk.Do I know anyone at the company?Studies have shown you are ten times more likely to land a role when your job application is accompanied by an employee referral. This could be as simple as including your contact’s name in the appr opriate field of the online application or better yet, having your contact pass your application on to the hiring manager. Before you apply for the job, check your network for valuable connections that currently work or previously worked at your target organization.In the end.By asking yourself these simple questions before committing to your next application, you’ll be able to save yourself the time and potential hardship of applying for a position you might not be right for.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How One Karaoke Song Almost Cost Me My Career

How One Karaoke Song Almost Cost Me My Career How One Karaoke Song Almost Cost Me My Career I was young, insecure, shy, and drunk, and I knew nothing about being a professional. That as it turns out, is a toxic mix for doing karaoke at a company event. This is a lesson in professionalism, making terrible mistakes at work, and how to recover from those mistakes. It’s also about really bad singing and booze. OK, let’s start with a general rule of thumb: When 20 shots of Jagermeister are brought out for a group of 15 people, don’t be one of the five people willing to take a second shot. Gleefully being part of that group was the first mistake I made on that fateful night. The second was failing to understand that co-workers at a bar are, well, still your co-workers. And the third, and most painful, was forgetting I’d have to see these people the next morning. Looking back, my mistakes were understandable, and probably ones that many people have made at some point in time. Finding your way in corporate America isn’t exactly easy, and as a kid who had just graduated college three weeks earlier, the nuances of office life weren’t yet part of my knowledge base. It’s not like someone handed me a manual on how to behave at a company happy hour (which, had they, I gladly would have read cover to cover). So, there we were, me and 20 colleagues, including my manager, his boss, and the CEO of the company. Everyone drinking, singing karaoke, and seemingly unwinding after a long, stress-filled week. Given that I’m terribly shy and an even more terrible singer, I assumed I could hide and avoid having to get up on stage. But when my boss nudged me and said, “Everyone sings, including you,” I realized I wasn’t going to get out of this. Though, in hindsight, outright refusing to sing would have been better than what I did next- which was quickly downing two shots and two more beers, then handing my song selection to the DJ. If you want to know the song I sang, you can listen to it here (definitely NSFW), but general themes of the song include excessive cursing, sex, oral sex, and then more sex. I’m still not sure why the bar had it as an option. But I knew it well and thought it would make everyone laugh to hear me sing it. It didn’t. It was like watching people watch a car wreck and not being able to do a single thing about it. No one was laughing. In fact, everyone stopped smiling. I saw our CEO lean over and whisper something to my boss. When the song ended, I left the stage and only one co-worker said anything to me. He was drunk, and he laughingly said, “I’d update your resume.” It was then that I threw up. As I quickly learned, there is a direct correlation between the level of your work screw-up and how many people at the company know about it. The more people who know, the worse it was. When I walked in the next day, the very first person I saw said, “Hey Elliott, heard you had quite the karaoke performance.” Considering she wasn’t there, I knew I was in trouble. Word had spread. I put my head down and scurried to my desk, hoping no one would see me or talk to me. I already had a couple emails waiting for me from co-workers who asked if I’d sing again for them since they missed my epic performance. It was then that I decided the best thing to do would be to speak to my boss before he asked to speak to me. I went to his desk, asked if he had a few minutes to chat, and quickly told him how sorry I was. I explained, as honestly as I could, that I was nervous, drank too much, and simply made a mistake in judgement. I assured him that it would not happen again, and that I hoped to continue working there for a long time. To my surprise, he brushed it off and said I shouldn’t overthink it, but thanked me for saying something. Later that day, he stopped by my desk and said something I’ll never forget: “I’ll never tell you how close you were to getting fired. Just remember, you’re always an employee, you’re always representing your company, and you’re always representing yourself.” I’ve kept that lesson in mind ever since. But, I also learned a more important one: Since then, I’ve screwed up plenty of times at work (though, thankfully, never on that drunken scale). It’s natural that at some point, you will do something you regret, like sending a bad email to the wrong person, forgetting a major project was due, or stepping over the line at office happy hour like I did. And while I learned it the hard way, I now know that when you do mess up, it’s crucial to own up to it. Be honest, be apologetic, and be sincere. And then move on and be the best employee you can be moving forward. Oh, and don’t take Jager shots with your co-workers. Nothing good can come from that. Photo of microphone courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, November 18, 2019

5 ways to build an engaged and productive workforce

5 ways to build an engaged and productive workforce 5 ways to build an engaged and productive workforce Every business leader wants a team that’s engaged in what they do and excited to come to work in the morning because they know it enhances both the quality and quantity of output. No one working has an argument with this, because it makes work that much more enjoyable â€" people want to be engaged. It’s clear that enhanced engagement would be to everyone’s benefit, and everyone seems to know it.But …Disengagement in the workforce is at 85% costing businesses in the United States between $250 and $350 billion dollars a year. Thought leaders are tired of saying it, business leaders are tired of hearing it, and the workforce is tired of experiencing it.So what’s needed to improve engagement and drive productivity?“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a whole person â€" not just an employee â€" are more productive, more satisfied, more fulfilled.” â€" Anne MulcahyPurposeHaving purpose means having a meaningful direction that’s beyond profit and seeks to add something to the world. It’s long been considered an afterthought â€" pushed aside as a marketing campaign for when there’s room in the budget. But, when a purpose is just a marketing campaign, it’s not going to be taken seriously internally, because they will see that the stated values aren’t being lived.If your employees don’t think the organization has purpose, then they won’t think they have purpose working there. If your business  is just there to make a profit then you can’t expect your employees to be there for anything other than a paycheck.But the flip side of this is clear: Individuals driven by purpose show 64% higher rates of career fulfillment and stay 20% longer with their company. People are going to be more committed to your company, and will stay longer, if they can feel a sense of purpose working there. When you have purpose, engagement follows.After interviewing hundreds of organizational leaders, I’ve found that authentic and genuine cultures are rooted in purpose and give their tribes (not employees) meaning beyond a paycheck. The main takeaway: Brand is a reflection of culture and culture is driven by purpose.Personal growthPurpose is having a sense of meaningful direction and personal growth is the journey towards achieving that purpose.50 years ago it was normal to expect long-term employees to accept a stagnant career path. Perhaps with a few promotions thrown into the mix, but personal growth was something you did on your own time â€" it had nothing to do with work. The younger generations in the workforce and those entering the workforce won’t stand for this. Even older generations are quick to embrace personal growth â€" people have been hungry for growth for a long time.Personal growth at work is transformative yet difficult to quantify and scale. Studies have shown that micro-activities have the ability to turn desired behaviors into organization-wide habits. Micro-activities are brief activities do ne to target a desired behavior and frame the way you approach your day. By looking into the research in positive psychology, from ideas of psychological capital to role of meaning in the workplace, micro-activities have enormous potential.RecognitionHow enthused do you think you’d be about putting in extra hours for a project you wouldn’t be recognized for? Well, probably not very enthused at all.Despite recognition being one of the easier engagement feats to accomplish, it’s one the most common complaints we hear: “I work hard and put in the extra effort, but I feel it all goes unnoticed.”Special recognition programs could be most helpful to retain and continually inspire those that might normally be taken for granted. You know the type â€" diligent and hardworking, but introverted and unassuming. They’re more difficult to notice than others, but every bit as essential.This is why recognition programs should not be overlooked as they more effectively increase employee engagement, performance, and innovation than a salary increase of 5%.LeadershipToo often, when leaders pursue a new culture initiative, they bring a top-down mentality. Leaders sometimes think that if they can just rearrange their management structure just right the company culture will improve, and they won’t have to make any changes themselves â€" “It’s for them, not us.”This is the wrong attitude. When leaders are conspicuously absent from their own culture initiatives, then engagement suffers â€" if leadership doesn’t think it’s worth engaging in a culture change then why would the team? I’ve noticed time and again that if a leader is actively participating in their own culture initiatives then the team is likely to be engaged as well. This principle rings true across a spectrum of organizations.This is why the Harvard Business Review referred to intractable bosses, those that make demands inconsistent with their own effort, as one of the worst obstacles to organiz ational change. That is when the leaders of a company refuse to change they act as the biggest obstacle to organizational change.Leading by example isn’t a special kind of leadership, it IS leadership. If you aren’t leading by example, you have to ask yourself the question, “Am I just managing?”CelebrateOur brains are structured to reward us for achieving goals â€" even micro ones. This is why video games often prove to be so addictive with their host of achievements, level ups, and badges of honor; and why it feels so good to cross something off our to-do list.The fact is that little rewards drive behavior. Each little reward causes your brain to emit a rush of dopamine that tells you, “This is good, this is rewarding â€" let’s do it again.”Micro activities coupled with micro celebrations drive behavior forward. When it’s used to support positive behaviors it can transform organizations. Major celebrations for big achievements are important, but not enough â€" in be tween you need inspiration, otherwise motivation can wane. You need continual doses of reward to show you and your brain that progress is being made.To achieve big victories you need little victories along the way.What I see as the biggest opportunity in the workforce is best summarized by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do.”Adam Fridman is the author of the best-selling book, “The Science of Story: Brand is the Reflection of Culture”. He is also the Founder and President of ProHabits.com, a platform that integrates the science of human psychology with corporate philosophies and technology, allowing leaders to nurture their employees’ personal growth while developing positive behaviors and fostering a strong organizational culture.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Writing Letters of Appreciation To Team Members

Writing Letters of Appreciation To Team Members Writing Letters of Appreciation To Team Members It’s always good practice to recognize the efforts of the members of your team. Communicating with the people who lend you a hand is one of the best ways to strengthen your work relationships and your network. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and most people do their best work when they feel a level of personal satisfaction. One of the quickest and easiest ways to do this is to write a letter of appreciation to your team members when they do something outstanding. Your letter can be sent via mail or email and should express your thanks for a job well done. How to Send Your Thanks The size of your company, your relationship with the team members and team leader, and the scope of the project can all affect how you choose to send your letter. Sending a written note has the advantage of providing the recipient with a hard copy of the letter. A handwritten note can add a personal touch that means something special to certain people. Sending the message by email will get it there immediately, and the note can also be copied to supervisors or human resources (HR) managers who may want a record for the employee’s file.   What to Include in Your Letter In your letter of appreciation, be specific about the project that the team member was helpful with. You can recognize the skills and experiences the person used to assist with the project and mention how they helped the team accomplish their goals. You should thank them for the time and effort they shared. You can also mention that their willingness to help will be brought to the attention of upper management. While most people are willing to help another team when they can, letting them know that their efforts will be noted to the people making wage, bonus, and promotion decisions will provide them with tangible appreciation for their efforts. Here are some sample appreciation letters for a team member at work. Use these examples to get ideas for what to include in your own letters. A business letter should be formatted with the names and addresses at the beginning of the letter, with a handwritten signature as well as your typed name at the close. Sample Appreciation Letter to Team Member Your NameTitleCompanyAddressCity, State Zip CodeDateFirstname LastnameTitleCompanyAddressCity State Zip CodeDear Firstname,Thank you very much for meeting with me yesterday regarding our current social media marketing project. I really appreciate your insight into streamlining the implementation plan. I am looking forward to incorporating your suggestions into our timeline.It is really helpful to have someone who has had experience with similar market parameters to help with this undertaking. I appreciate your advice and assistance and being part of our team.Best regards,Your Written Signature (hard copy letter)Your Typed Name Expand A handwritten note should contain the date on the card before the salutation. Sample Appreciation Note to a Team Member DateDear Firstname,I really appreciate your taking the time to help us get started on our year-end inventory. It was so helpful to have someone who has been through the whole process before to guide the newer employees through the procedure.Your experience made everything go so much smoother, and we are already noting improved accuracy in our numbers due to your input.Regards,Your name Expand If you are sending an email message, the subject line of the message can simply say thank you. You might want to cc the person’s supervisor and/or upper management as well. Sample Appreciation Email to a Team Member Subject Line: Thank YouDear Name,I would like to thank you and your team for the work you have put in over the last month on the proposal for the expansion of our building. You have put together a thorough and well-researched presentation, and I am looking forward to sharing it with the regional executives when they arrive next week.Please express my sincere thanks to the rest of your team. I will be updating and thanking them all individually after your presentation to the executives. We should have feedback and a decision on moving forward with the project by the first of the month.Best regards,Your Namecc: Supervisor, Regional Manager Expand

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Importance of Continually Updating Your Resume

The Importance of Continually Updating Your Resume The Importance of Continually Updating Your Resume There is, however, an easy fix for this situation: update your resume as you go! It sounds simple, like it should be second nature but unfortunately, this is most often not the case. Add New Jobs to Your Resume as Soon as You Start Chances are you already have a job description given to you by HR. This, along with the job advertisement itself and the information in your onboarding package, will make  it pretty easy to update your resume as soon as you accept a new job. The company-generated job description is a gem, and its not something to simply throw away or forget about in your unnecessary paperwork pile. The same thing goes for new responsibilities and skills: adding them to your resume as they come along ensures that you wont forget about them later. Dont even worry about the spacing and formatting as you go. Your main priority is to just get all the information listed. You can always edit your resume and make it look pretty later, but finding job descriptions, skills, and project information from a while back is much harder to do. Do It Now Because It Gets Harder Later Trust me on this: the longer you are with a company, the harder it is to create a resume if you are not continually adding to it, that is. Ive worked with  quite a few clients who were at a company for 10+ years. When it was time for them to start looking at new opportunities, they struggled to  obtain information about their  prior positions. It may seem unnecessary to update your resume when youre applying for an internal promotion because the company knows you and has firsthand experience with your quality of work, but taking the easy option now is sure to lead to suffering  later on down the road. Stay Organized If updating your resume is too intimidating, or you arent comfortable doing the work by yourself, you should at least keep copies of everything and file it all in one place. This way, if you do seek professional help when it comes time to update your resume, you have all the necessary documents ready and on hand. I always suggest creating  a folder on your computer or in your cloud storage system labeled Resume Information. Save everything you may need in the future in this folder. Include things like job descriptions, recognition emails from bosses, project descriptions, certification information, specialized training/coursework, etc. The more information you can gather, the better. Also, make sure to label the different documents within the folder so you can easily sort through them when you need to. The beautiful thing about technology is that, if you add files to this folder as they come along, you can sort through everything by date and actually create a chronological timeline of your work information. This makes creating a resume infinitely simpler  than trying to remember all of the information or duties you took on. Resumes Are for Everyone Not Just Active Job Seekers It seems as though there is a belief  that you must be unhappy with your current job if you are working on your resume, but  this is absolutely not the case. Its possible to love your job and still want to be prepared in case a new or exciting  offer shows up. Being proactive about your resume will only benefit you by preparing you for the unknown, and it will give you a leg up when the time does come for a new career move. Please, do yourself a favor and at least gather the information you need to build  your resume. Even if thats the only  step you take, your future self (and/or resume writer) will thank you.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Snake Robots Crawl to the and Rescue, Part 2

Snake Robots Crawl to the and Rescue, Part 2 Snake Robots Crawl to the and Rescue, Part 2 Snake Robots Crawl to the Rescue, Part 2 Part 1 of Snake Robots Crawl to the Rescue looked at what Carnegie Mellon University engineers are doing in the field of snake robots. Heres what Stanford University and University of California engineers are turning out. Stanford University and University of California, Santa Barbara engineers have developed a snake-like robot that extends like a vine by squeezing through hard-to-reach places. The robot is deployed as a rolled-up inside-out tube, with a pump on one end and a camera on the other. Once initiated, the device inflates with air and grows in the direction of the camera, while the other side stays anchored. A control system that differentially inflates the body can make the robot turn right or left. A software system makes direction decisions based on photographs transmitted from the tip of the robot. The snake robot was very nearly impossible to stop in these environmentswe piled all kinds of things in front of it, and it always finds a way through.Prof. Elliot Hawkes, University of California, Santa Barbara The vinebot is a tube of soft material that grows in one direction. Image: L.A. Cicero / Stanford University The body lengthens as the material extends from the end, but the rest of the body doesnt move says Elliot Hawkes, assistant professor in the mechanical engineering department at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who is part of the research team. Its surface does not move with respect to the environment, meaning that there is no friction with the surface over which it is moving. The body can be stuck in the environment, but that doesnt stop the robot because the tip can continue to progress as new material is added to the end. The research team tested the robot in a series of cluttered environments consisting of obstacles like sticky glue, nails, and other debris. It was very nearly impossible to stop in these environments, adds Hawkes. We piled all kinds of things in front of it, and it always finds a way through. Researchers are planning to design newer models that will use tougher external materials, such as Kevlar. It may also be possible to extend the robot by using pressurized liquid instead of air, which would also be a way to deliver water to trapped victims, or for extinguishing fires within the rubble. For You: Bee Robots Sense Rather than Think Jie Fu, left, and Cagdas Onal with one of the soft snake-like robots they are developing. Image: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Algorithms Matter Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has received a three-year, $400,000 award from the National Science Foundation to create autonomous snake-like robots for search-and-rescue operations. Co-principal investigators Cagdas Onal, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and Jie Fu, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, will focus on robot mobility, low-level motion-control algorithms based on embedded sensory feedback, and high-level planning algorithms. The low-level algorithms will control the robots motion; they may be the key to creating new types of robot mobility. For example, instead of only propelling the robot, new algorithms might allow the robot to better use friction to rise up from the surface. The high-level algorithms are focused on decision-making and autonomy. These will choose which gait or low-level control the robot will use under specific conditions, says Onal. They also will decide the best mode of motion, based on the environment in which the robot finds itself. Once these decisions are determined, the high-level algorithms will instruct the low-level algorithms to do the necessary driving. The robot only needs to know where its trying to go and it will figure out how to get itself there, Onal adds. The robot will make its own decisions and execute them. Onal and Fu want their robots to go beyond crawling and sidewinding to being able to raise their heads to get a better view, or even climb stairs or climb over obstacles. If I put the robot in the sand and then on gravel, it would exhibit different behaviors, Fu says. With the higher level we can introduce learning-based mechanisms so the robot will learn the best way to move based on the environment it is in and what it needs to achieve in that environment. Mark Crawford is an independent writer. Read More from ASME.org: Superalloy Rescues MEMS Sensors Getting It Squared Away

Thursday, November 14, 2019

10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people

10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people 10 unmistakable habits of irresistible people Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural, unteachable traits that belong only to a lucky few - the good looking, the fiercely social, and the incredibly talented. It’s easy to fall prey to this misconception.Some people, regardless of what they lack - money, looks, or social connections - always radiate with energy and confidence. Even the most skeptical individuals find themselves enamored with these charming individuals.These people are the life of every party. They’re the ones you turn to for help, advice, and companionship.You just can’t get enough of them, and they leave you asking yourself, “What do they have that I don’t? What makes them so irresistible?”The difference? Their sense of self-worth comes from within.Ladders is now on SmartNews!Download the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Irresistible people aren’t constantly searching for validation, b ecause they’re confident enough to find it in themselves. There are certain habits they pursue every day to maintain this healthy perspective.Since being irresistible isn’t the result of dumb luck, it’s time to study the habits of irresistible people so that you can use them to your benefit.Get ready to say “hello” to a new, more irresistible you.They focus on people more than anything elseIrresistible people possess an authentic interest in those around them. As a result, they don’t spend much time thinking about themselves. They don’t obsess over how well they’re liked, because they’re too busy focusing on the people they’re with. It’s what makes their irresistibility seem so effortless.To put this habit to work for you, try putting down the smartphone and focusing on the people you’re with. Focus on what they’re saying, not what your response will be, or how what they’re saying will affect you. When people tell you something about themselves, follow up with open-ended questions to draw them out even more.They are authenticIrresistible people are who they are. Nobody has to burn up energy or brainpower trying to guess their agenda or predict what they’ll do next. They do this because they know that no one likes a fake.People gravitate toward authentic individuals because they know they can trust them. It’s easy to resist someone when you don’t know who they really are and how they really feel.They find reasons to love lifeIrresistible people are positive and passionate. They’re never bored, because they see life as an amazing adventure and approach it with a joy that other people want to be a part of.It’s not that irresistible people don’t have problems - even big ones - but they approach problems as temporary obstacles, not inescapable fate. When things go wrong, they remind themselves that a bad day is just one day, and they keep hope that tomorrow or next week or next month will be better.They ditch the small talk There’s no surer way to prevent an emotional connection from forming during a conversation than by sticking to small talk. When you robotically approach people with small talk this puts their brains on autopilot and prevents them from having any real affinity for you. Irresistible people create connection and find depth even in short, everyday conversations. Their genuine interest in other people makes it easy for them to ask good questions and relate what they’re told to other important facets of the speaker’s life.They treat EVERYONE with respectWhether interacting with their biggest client or a server taking their drink order, irresistible people are unfailingly polite and respectful. They understand that - no matter how nice they are to the person they’re having lunch with - it’s all for naught if that person witnesses them behaving badly toward someone else. Irresistible people treat everyone with respect because they believe they’re no better than anyone else.The y have integrityPeople with high integrity are irresistible because they walk their talk, plain and simple. Integrity is a simple concept but a difficult thing to practice. To demonstrate integrity every day, irresistible people follow through, they avoid talking bad about other people, and they do the right thing, even when it hurts.They don’t try too hardIrresistible people don’t dominate the conversation with stories about how smart and successful they are. It’s not that they’re resisting the urge to brag. The thought doesn’t even occur to them because they know how unlikeable people are who try too hard to get others to like them.They smilePeople naturally (and unconsciously) mirror the body language of the person they’re talking to. If you want people to find you irresistible, smile at them during conversations and they will unconsciously return the favor and feel good as a result.They make an effort to look their best (just not too much of an effort)There’s a mas sive difference between being presentable and being vain. Irresistible people understand that making an effort to look your best is comparable to cleaning your house before company comes - it’s a sign of respect for others. But once they’ve made themselves presentable, they stop thinking about it.They recognize the difference between fact and opinionIrresistible people handle controversial topics and touchy subjects with grace and poise. They don’t shrink from sharing their opinions, but they make it clear that they’re opinions, not facts. Whether discussing global warming, politics, vaccine schedules, or GMO foods, irresistible people recognize that many people who are just as intelligent as they see things differently.Bringing it all togetherIrresistible people did not have fairy godmothers hovering over their cribs. They’ve simply perfected certain appealing qualities and habits that anyone can adopt as their own.They think about other people more than they think about themselves, and they make other people feel liked, respected, understood, and seen. Just remember: the more you focus on others, the more irresistible you’ll be.Travis Bradberry is the co-author of  Emotional Intelligence 2.0  and the co-founder of  TalentSmart.This  column  first appeared on  LinkedIn.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Director Of Sales Resume Sample

Customize this Outstanding Director Of Sales Resume Sample Customize this Outstanding Director Of Sales Resume Sample To fully prepare for the director of sales job application process, you need a strong resume that sets you apart from the competition in the field. Your resume should reflect your experience in the profession, as well as your value in previous positions. It serves as an introduction to your employers, providing them with a first impression of your qualifications, both professionally and personally.Using the director of sales resume sample below and accompanying writing guide, learn what you need to include in your own document. This sample provides you with examples of relevant skills, career accomplishments, and experience related to sales, which may be useful for you. If you need more assistance getting started, be sure to try our resume builder, which can help you gather the necessary information to include.Create Resume div=resume Donald Weinstein 100 Broadway Lane New Parkland, CA, 91010 Cell: (555) 987-1234 example-email@example.com 100 Broadway Lane New Parkland, CA, 91010 Cell: (555) 987-1234 example-email@example.com Professional Summary Adept Director of Sales skilled at managing projects and staff responsible for a hotel’s sales and marketing efforts. Works closely with General Manager to develop sales strategies that maximize hotel revenues and profits through white hat practices. Locates sales targets and nourishes business relationships to optimize opportunities.Core QualificationsRevenue and yield strategiesMaximized profitabilitySMARTS reportStrategic sales planningSales budgets and forecastsResearch and presentationExperience Director of Sales Marketing March 2007 to Present Amble Resorts Recreation Centers New Cityland, CADevelop and implement campaigns and projects that promote business facilities, banquet hall, local catering and other guest services.Use pricing, market mix, status, direct sales and history to develop strategies for future goals.Monitor market performance to manage potential budget, target goals and forecasts. Associate Director of Sales March 2002 to February 2007 Masterson Johnson Inn, New Cityland, CAAssisted Director in planning sales and marketing objectives.Played key role in finding leads for new business accounts.Networked with local businesses to promote hotel facilities and drive sales.Attended weekly meetings with Managers and Directors to review action plans, activity logs and to set revenue goals.Education 2002 Bachelors of Art, Marketing University of California New Cityland, CACustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good Director of Sales Resume Sample?After reviewing the director of sales resume sample, take a closer look at each section to identify the specific strengths to incorporate in your own document. Additionally, use the example to learn how to format this information effectively into a concise, readable resume.The first section is the summary statement. This section offers employers an overview of your professional qualifications, including your experience, skills, and a ccomplishments. Notice that the statement is brief, between four to six lines, and omits personal pronouns. Furthermore, it refers to specific field experience, such as sales strategy and marketing. The writer also uses descriptive action verbs like “locates” and “nourishes,” which provide a richer description for employers.The next section of the director of sales resume sample focuses on the most valuable relevant skills. These core qualifications should be concise and formatted in an easy-to-read bullet list. In the example, the jobseeker provides six field-specific qualifications that speak to both experience and accomplishment. Limit yourself to only the most important core skills; you do not want to overload your employer with unnecessary information.The experience section of the director of sales resume sample offers detailed information regarding previous professional roles. Though they provide an overview of basic job responsibilities, they should include achievemen ts and advancements as well. Typically, expect to include between five to eight bullet points under each job title. Furthermore, be sure to illustrate roles of increasing responsibility or contribution. The final portion of the resume sample is the education section. In this section, you want to list your highest level of education first and proceed in reverse chronological order. In the example, the writer includes the location and graduation date, as well as the degree received. Additionally, you may also choose to include any relevant certification, training, or licenses under this heading.Why You Need a Strong Director of Sales ResumeAccording to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the expected growth rate for director of sales positions is five percent, which is as fast as average. Though the job market is relatively healthy, you nevertheless need a strong resume to set yourself apart from the competition. With other like-minded candidates seeking the same position, y our resume needs to articulate your unique strengths and contributions.Typically, employers spend only five to seven seconds reviewing a resume. Your document needs to make an immediate impression if you desire consideration for the job. In the director of sales resume sample, notice how the format increases readability, favoring short clauses and bullet lists over lengthy paragraphs.Costly Director of Sales Resume Mistakes To AvoidAt this point, you should have an idea of what to include in your sales director resume. Now, take a minute to learn what to avoid. Obviously, there are certain mistakes, such as spelling and grammar, you should never include on your resume. However, some issues are less apparent.In the director of sales resume sample, notice how the language fortifies both the candidates’ value and accomplishments. In the world of sales, terms such as “maximized profitability” and “optimize opportunity” speak directly to the position. You want to avoid generic descriptions, such as “worked for,” which are uninspiring and fail to illustrate your value. If your language feels dull or repetitive, break out a thesaurus. Finally, avoid any irrelevant information. Employers read dozens of resumes every day and don’t have time to sift through extraneous data. Focus on your core qualifications and experience as they relate to the director of sales job.ConclusionWith help from the director of sales resume sample, you can create a document of your own that captures the attention of employers through concise, effective language. Focus on engaging, active language that augments your experience with accomplishments and specific information. Remember, your goal is to stand out among a sea of job applicants. As such, your resume must illustrate what makes your candidacy unique.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Three questions every ambitious person should ask themselves

Three questions every ambitious person should ask themselves Three questions every ambitious person should ask themselves Maureen Chiquet  began her career in marketing at L’Oreal Paris in 1985. She has worked at The Gap, helped launch Old Navy, and was president of Banana Republic before becoming COO and President of U.S. operations of Chanel in 2003. In 2007 she became its first Global CEO, where she oversaw the business and brand’s worldwide expansion. She left Chanel in 2016 to focus on writing, speaking, and developing new leadership initiatives, including her recent book  Beyond the Label. She recently sat down with world-leading business thinker  Whitney Johnson, author of  Build an A-Team  and host of the Disrupt Yourself podcast, to discuss how she developed her signature leadership style.This conversation has been edited and condensed. To listen to Maureen and Whitney’s full conversation on the Disrupt Yourself Podcast,  click here.Whitney:  You studied film and literature at Yale. How did that influence you as a merchant and as a marketer?Maureen:  I don’t think I could have chosen a better course of study, which sounds strange when you think of marketing and retail- you think of numbers and spreadsheets and pie charts and graphs. Literature [is] all about  stories and about human connections. And most consumer products rely on a certain emotional connection, so I think that’s number one.Number two, film and theater really dimensionalize, and show signs and symbols that get us emotional. So as you’re looking at an image that evokes a certain emotion, there is a way that being very attuned to your own emotions while watching something allows [us] to think about how consumers might see something. How they might view something, and ways that we might change or craft an image to encourage purchase.“There is a way that being very attuned to your own emotions while watching something allows [us] to think about how consumers might see something.”Whitney:  In your book, you talk about a number of instances where you took on roles that weren’t necessarily glamo rous or exciting. You’ve been the CEO of Chanel, but it’s not like it was one straight shot up the ladder. What are some examples where you took a job or got a role that wasn’t quite what you thought it would be?Maureen:  When I got to [L’Oreal,] I was going to be out on the road as a sales rep, basically. I ended up being in the north of France in coal mining country, which is traditionally the foggiest, grayest, most dismal part of the country. That’s where I was stationed to sell cosmetic and hair products out of my little suitcase into hypermarkets, [which are] giant supermarkets like Sam’s Club.I was supposed to sell end caps- [the displays] at the end of an aisle, the things that are on promotion. I was supposed to negotiate [with managers] at the hypermarket, and the marketing team supplied me with these pamphlets full of marketing speak. I realized I [couldn’t] speak this marketing speak, but I had to speak their language. So I [asked], “What would it cost me to get one of those end caps?” I ended up getting the end caps that I wanted.Whitney:  Your first job is in L’Oreal, then you and your husband move to the United States, [where] you get a job at the Gap. You start in the sample closet, then what?Maureen:  After the sample closet, I was in the accessory department. I was assistant merchandiser of socks and belts. Not exactly what I bargained for, but I found ways within that opportunity to stake a claim and make a name for myself. Belts had been ignored by the Gap. In the stores, most belts sold at $9.99, which was barely above cost. I’d noticed that a lot of women were wearing jeans and wider belts, so I decided that I was going to build this new assortment of belts for Gap. I loved leather, and of course the kind of leather I wanted was expensive, but I took a risk and had all these belts made. I convinced my boss and my boss’s boss that we should price the belts much higher, in the $30s. I was convinced that we’d sell t hem, and in fact, we did.Whitney:  How did you convince them? What did you do?Maureen:  I had all the data points prepared. I looked at the increases of denim selling, pointed out pictures of women with belts on. I sold it with the line, “Shouldn’t we as Gap, an American company, have belts to go with our American jeans?”They were willing to take the risk with me,  and it was an amazing success. In so many ways, it built my reputation. I became “the belt girl.” For me, it was finding the opportunity in even the smallest areas.“It was finding the opportunity in even the smallest areas.”Whitney:  That’s a great story- and playing where other people didn’t want to play turned out to be a career maker. What happened next?Maureen:  I was later promoted to the denim department, which was really interesting because denim was an area that relied a lot on sourcing fabrics and figuring out how much fabric to get to the cutter and how much needs to be cut. It was actually ver y technical and very difficult, [and] led me to one of my biggest lessons when I got yelled at by the CEO of the company for not listening to him.Whitney:  I would love to hear this lesson.Maureen:  I was an associate merchant in denim, and I was seven months pregnant. My boss was actually on maternity leave, and Mickey Drexler, who was then the CEO, called me into an advertising meeting. The goal of these meetings was usually to figure out what products we’re going to advertise at the Gap. I rushed down to the conference room, and I started to show him my brand new finish in a new pant called the wide leg jean. Boy, was I excited. He looks, and [says,] “If this is such a good wash, why aren’t you doing it in the classic fit jean?” I say, “Well, no one wants to wear the classic fit jean anymore. It’s old. It doesn’t fit right.” He asked, “How many classic fit jeans are you selling?” It was [about] 20,000 a week, and at the time we had a similar wide leg jean, and it was not [selling] even a fraction of that.I kept going, almost steamrolling him and finally he stopped the meeting and walked out.Whitney:  What did you do? How did you feel?Maureen:  I started to cry. I was really upset because I thought I’d lost my job. I went back to my office, the phone rang and it was Mickey. Mickey said to me, “Maureen, you’re a really good merchant. But you need to learn to listen. Really listen. Not to me because I’m the CEO. Listen to your colleagues. Listen to your customers. Open your ears. Take things in.”I thanked him. And I continue to thank him because it’s such a critical part of  who I became as a leader.“You need to learn to listen. Really listen. Not to me because I’m the CEO. Listen to your colleagues. Listen to your customers. Open your ears. Take things in.”Whitney:  Can you think of a time when you were CEO and you [heard] Mickey’s voice in your head? [A time] where you thought, “I need to listen right now”?Maureen:  When I first came to Chanel, I was the only woman at the head of a table of ten men, and they were really savvy executives. All of them had been in the business for 20-odd years, and many of them were a lot older than I was. I went through about a year of training, so I was traveling around the world, looking at our manufacturing, looking at our sales, looking at our marketing- every department.By the time I got to be the CEO, I really wanted to institute some strategies, but I found myself saying, “You’ve got to slow down. You’ve got to listen to things from their perspective.”Whitney:  Can you think of one of your hardest days on the job as CEO?Maureen:  Three or four years before I left, I had made a decision based on how disrupted our world was, [through] the Internet and globalization and millennials- all these things were coming at us that had not existed before. We’re standing in front of the unknown. I had decided to launch a leadership program because I felt tha t the way to address problems [was] to go more systemically to the core and [ask,] “How do you get leaders to  change their behaviors  to be able to take in this unknown future?” I had practiced a different kind of leadership myself, which was much more about listening and asking questions. So I figured we should all actually embrace these qualities because this will help us with all the disruption in our world.So on a rainy day in July, I corralled my team into this big dusty ballroom. I first sent them outside to do team building exercises. If you’ve done team building [exercises,] sometimes they’re great, and sometimes you really don’t want to do them. This [was] one of those times they really didn’t want to do them. Then, I bring them back in and I tell them that we are going to proceed with this program, we’re going to learn how to be more empathetic and listen better and be more agile, etcetera. Of course, in that moment, I’m doing everything but that.At luncht ime everybody was chit-chatting about how much they disliked the consultant I had brought in, about how much they hated the exercises. I asked them a series of leading questions that they refused to answer. I realized that I had made the very mistake that I didn’t want to make. I had actually become what I didn’t want to become. I was trying to force a leadership program down their throats. So I stopped the offsite and I actually wrote a letter to each one of my leadership team members asking them for an hour and a half of their time just to talk to me about what they cared about.Whitney:  Wow.Maureen:  Asking, what in our culture do they want to keep, what did they want to evolve, where were they in their leadership? How did they feel about their positions? Everyone gave input to a document that actually set the course for another leadership initiative that we all created together. But it was tough at first. I was crushed by knowing that I went into  it the wrong way.Whitney:   If you were to talk to a college student who says, “Someday I want to be a CEO,” what advice would you give them?Maureen:  I actually don’t love to give advice, but I like to ask a lot of questions. So I guess I would ask the question, “Why? Why do you want to be a CEO? What about being a CEO really attracts you? And what makes your heart sing?”Because what I’ve noticed is that we have ideas about what these positions are- what you do, what you get to do- but we don’t always understand the complexity, the difficulties, the responsibilities. I ask a series of three questions, instead of giving advice. I like to ask people what makes their heart sing. [I ask,] “If I strip out the label, if I strip away the CEO title, why do you want that job?” And, “What can’t you live without?”Another thing I like to think about is [asking,] “What do you do well, and  where can you make a mark that’s distinctly your own?”This article first  appeared on Heleo.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Underrated Questions About Cook Resume That You Need to Think About

Underrated Questions About Cook Resume That You Need to Think About For more inspiration, it is possible to also look at our chef resume samples. While chefs have to be assertive and firm, they also have to display the capability to communicate with an assortment of unique personalities, and it's imperative to be certain that all members of a kitchen team feel supported, appreciated, and challenged. It is essential for a cook resume to reveal prospective employers other qualities outside their qualifications to prepare food. Simply understanding how to cook is only going to get you so far and wonderful chefs master all pieces of a true culinary experience. You are unable to deliver just the identical line chef resume to different business for assorted job. A buffet cook' duties won't be much different from another cook the specific distinction may be the quantity of food that some kind of buffet cook prepares. The period cook is frequently used interchangeably with chef, but generally reflects the exact same thing. In addition, you can look for line cook jobs on Monster. Since many employers only offer each resume a mean of six seconds before moving on, it's imperative your summary statement shines. Within the space of just a couple of sentences, you must accurately convey both your qualification for this position and also what makes you stick out from the other applicants. At length, end on a positive note by stating how you're ambitious, and the way you mean to integrate with the enterprise to help it grow, too. The organization is forecast to operate more flights with the beginning of the winter tourist season in November. Cook Resume Help! If you are attempting to compose a good resume that may help you raise your odds of getting hired, you're in the appropriate place. An additional way to diversify you from the remaining part of the pack is to incorporate any additional foreign language skills you've got. Attempting to score the ideal position for a line cook will require the perfect resume. Also, an excellent cook needs to be attentive, careful, organized, ought to have a very good memory. The Advantages of Cook Resume So you simply graduated high school or college and you are primed to put in the workforce to develop into a productive member of society. In such a scenario a work seeker desires an exceptional resume merely to get noticed. The work experience section, which may also be called professional experience or employment history, is the component of the resume where you state the duties and responsibilities which you've performed or are carrying out that are related to the job of l ine cook. Submit the same resume for every single job. Indicate the skills which you have learned and that may benefit the corporation. After stating your experience in the market, states a number of the critical skills you have that permit you to grow as a professional, and which can help you grow with the organization you're applying to. If you're in the movie industry they would like to understand what skills you've got and exactly what you've done, although your school history won't be quite as important. The hospitality business is called a difficult region to work and you want to be quite skilled and competent to develop into victorious here. The third sort is the combinational sort of resume which as the name implies, borrows features from both of the other kinds. Since it shows your finest cuts fast. Consider line chef resume as a system, which you might strategically creates as a way to goal a specific job and to win the middle of the organization. To create the l ine chef resume formal, you will have to use common structure for organization letter. Using Cook Resume The employer is searching for a professional who's attentive to details. In the exact same vein, it's intelligent to incorporate any other relevant certifications, like a food safety certificate. If you're searching for an internship at a company such as Google, for instance, one previous intern says hiring managers wish to see interesting personal details on your resume. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a prospective employer gets of us. When you make a resume, you've got to make sure it is not difficult to navigate since an objective opens your resume, it's essential to ensure it is strong. Remember that the objective section really isn't about what you would like in any way. Make sure you make the info you're looking for. If you wish to land the job, tell the shop owner what you could do by going into detail what you've done with your p rior employers. Adhere to the tips above, and you'll have a resume that compensates for the deficiency of expertise and gets you the interview. In case it fails to accomplish this, you will likely not be invited to an interview. If your reply is yes, then continue reading. Avoid mentioning irrelevant info or experiences. Finding the Best Cook Resume MotoCMS with its creative CV templates is prepared to help you make a magnificent resume so that you could state your nature and win the job that you dream about! Resume format templates have several design alternatives and also offer you to acquire expert small business cards which are included in the templates' download packages. All resume templates arrive in a normal A4 dimensions and are totally print-ready. Have a look at our Professional Resume Templates which you could easily edit and use.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Objective in a Resume: the Ultimate Convenience!

Objective in a Resume: the Ultimate Convenience! The Supreme Strategy to Objective in a Resume Job seekers deserve to come across decent content quickly. Transportation jobs involve a great deal of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Show you're more than merely a work title. Don't forget, you can store as many as five resumes on Monster. You're going to be trained in different operations and processes of the bank and are anticipated to efficiently assist customers with their various transactions. If you need to have an objective, make certain it's the perfect one. You ought to have five objective statements. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, then move on to the sorts of accomplishments you would like to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization you're applying to work for). One of the hazards of a resume objective is that it is possible to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how you are going to add value to the organization. Up until lately, the overwhelming majority of resumes have contained an objective. Chronological resumes are helpful for demonstrating a pattern of working, especially if you're continuing in an overall profession or field. Even a business-savvy social networking manager sees the bigger photo and comprehends the usage of societal networking whilst in the corporation. If you do, you will prove that indeed you're a great communicator. Have a look at our expansive cover letter collection for those advice you need to create a winning cover letter. In the purpose section, you're stating the precise position you're applying for in addition to highlighting a couple of important benefits you'll be bringing to the company if you're working as a factory worker. When you submit an application for work in person, you could possibly be requested to complete a paper application. The second illustration is a powerful method to sidestep the problems of an overly narrow or overly wide objective. If you need to, call the company to receive them. Make certain it's tailored to not merely the position, but the provider also. Distinct kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a lot of the very same skills. To begin with, consider the job description to see whether it indicates the form of skills the provider is seeking. Be certain to be thoughtful once you use action verbs. Possessing a strong resume will enable you find quite a few great jobs. You should definitely incorporate a resume objective statement in your resume when you submit an application for a job to be certain that you could break the ice at the very first try. Possessing a very clear and professional resume is critical in the health care field. Naturally, not one of the candidates are likely to write they lack enthusiasm or integrity. You always wish to set yourself aside from the remaining portion of the applicants as long as it's for the proper factors. Therefore, if you're on the lookout for a new job, it is crucial that your resume stands from the crowd to guarantee you a spot on the shortlist. Whether you're searching for your very first job or your next one, you require a resume that shows employers that you're a skilled professional.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Secret Weapon for Microsoft Resume

A Secret Weapon for Microsoft Resume How to Find Microsoft Resume The Chronological Resume indicates the precise timeline of somebody's job history and illustrates their abilities and experience. Job specific manners of resumes allow health professionals to list all their credentials in 1 area on the resume. Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the concept of getting a better choice. All you need to do is point and click. In case you're seeking to promote your services and would like to have the ability to create a fantastic first impression of your personality, definitely think about a template supplied with a business card. Double check to ensure that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Microsoft Resume Help! The MS Resume templates are a terrific resource to create great resumes without the. Word Resume templates Word 2007 are easily available in different. Employing Word, you can produ ce your own templates for just about any application, including resumes. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot on the web and can be downloaded for additional use. Microsoft Resume for Dummies More than a few of them come with variations so that you can select your favourite design. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. While browsing our selection, you will shortly observe the broad variety of fashions and colours. Feel free to bring a close look at our newest styles given below. Two even columns for the rest of the page give you a lot of room to woo the company by means of your experience, skills, and education. This template is quite suited to entry level candidates without a work experience in hand. This two-page template offers you lots of room and sections for creating your experience and skills stick out from the crowd. To begin with, learn the essential rules. A bas ic resume is also less difficult to read. Due to the use of the 2 columns, all entries are scannable and extremely apparent. The resumes are designed employing both. You can opt for chronological, functional along with modern resume formats. A good resume would assist with that. Download and customize at no cost! Be conscious of scannability. Microsoft Resume Explained Resume writing isn't a simple undertaking and it also extremely important that the resume must be in precise fashion and impressive. A resume in 2020 wants to be divided into various sections for clarity. Because a free resume template already has the correct format for a company or work resume, all you have to do is fill it with accurate information regarding your work and education. Word Resume templates are complete with the whole outline structure and the majority of the content which makes way for a powerful resume in an issue of just a couple minutes. Creating a resume can be a difficult undertaking . Additionally, this template is user friendly and based on free fonts. Utilizing a resume template is now an acceptable and smart practice for quite a few explanations. Modifying a Microsoft Word resume template is straightforward and makes the work search process a good deal simpler. What You Don't Know About Microsoft Resume Resume Samples are able to help you present your employment and education information the ideal way. Job applicants have the ability to create many resumes at home after they've downloaded the a variety of styles of resume templates that they would like to use. Focussing on your latest positions and relevant qualifications is vital. The subsequent professional resume template is suited to professional bankers, and it's precisely what you want. New Ideas Into Microsoft Resume Never Before Revealed A resume builder will allow you to rectify any errors and supply you with a working vision of the resume although you edit. As an issue of fact, free Micro soft Word resume templates help you to a certain degree, but they might not be sufficient to impress the hiring committee. The only issue is you don't have a resume prepared to send them! Click the Download link and make the most of this trendy ready-to-go solution. Elements is ideal for the indecisive applicant. Get familiar with the qualities of each Office program which you've noted. Template give here are the very best support to produce the resume in line with the profile of the candidate. Choose the desired options you desire and go on.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Resume Current Job Tense at a Glance

Resume Current Job Tense at a Glance Since you currently have a preceding career, you will automatically have some abilities and experience that are necessary to gaining employment. As soon as you determine the skills you need to concentrate on, do a bit of research and see whether they line up with job requirements listed for the positions you're seeking. Therefore, it's advised to tailor your resume for the particular job application. Whether you're looking for your very first job or seeking to earn a career change, the method starts with your resume. Both can cause you to get exceptional but only one will be able to help you land work. Do not list every job that you have ever had. Doing this can help you get the job! Show that every job builds on the previous one, and you're in good form. The most frequently encountered misspelling on resumes is a shockingly straightforward wordor so that you'd think. Keep in mind, the purpose of your resume is to procure work interview. Keep in mind that the very purpose of it is not receiving the work instantly, but securing work interview. Your resume file ought to be in a typical form that is necessary. It's tough and exhausting to read. There's no suitable format for a resume, though there's a standard. Resume Wording Keyword Tips Resume keywords can be immensely important and are a crucial part of expert quality resume wording. Importance of Resume wording Resume wording is a significant factor to take into account when constructing a resume. The resume wording needs to be employer-oriented so he knows what you could do for him. Length Most resumes of entry-level graduates ought to be limited to a single page. The Little-Known Secrets to Resume Current Job Tense There are several simple do's and don'ts that you're able to implement in the resume process that may earn a big difference in the accomplishment of your resume leading to interviews. In circumstances where it is helpful to contrast different ideas that originate from various periods, you may use the past and the present or present perfect tense to achieve that. When it isn't related to the job which you're applying for, it is a waste of space and a waste of the business's time. When arrangements for an upcoming acti on or situation exist because they were produced in earlier times the simple present tense can be utilized to discuss the arrangements if an upcoming time expressionis also employed. The licenses and certifications you've earned not only help it become feasible that you work in a particular state, they also raise your value in the view of a hiring manager based on the number of you've earned. When you're writing your education degree, ensure the degree is written in the precise same way as asked in the work description. As a student, it's very likely you don't have a lot of work experience. When you get a particular job in mind, the next path of action is going to be to prepare your Military resume. Resume guidelines may change from industry to industry, therefore it's wise to get familiar with specific industry examples. Based on the level you're at with respect to job experience, you might lay out the information in various orders. In any instance, you will wish to be certain that the information which will be most helpful in determining your qualifications for the job for which you're employing comes before information which will be less helpful. Don't forget the idea of Less Is More and filter the information that you have in your job program, only including the relevant information. Thus, your coursework serves to clearly show your command of particular topics, which is the reason why it's beneficial to include on a resume. The absolute most effective formatting for you will probably be distinguishable from the best formatting for someone else because your experiences and strengths will differ, and you'll thus gain from formatting adapted especially to your circumstan ce. If you opt to capitalize your work title, degree, or other proper nouns, be certain that you're committing to a grammatical standard for consistency. There was a time every time a proper Resume meant a review of the academic achievements. There's an excellent chance it won't include all the keywords set out in the work description. For instance, your personal situation may be ideal for a Certifications and Courses Completed section. If you're not sure which words to use, find keywords in the work description. Selecting the most suitable words to describe job performance is really important.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Biggest Myth About Sales Professional Resume Exposed

The Biggest Myth About Sales Professional Resume Exposed Your odds of getting the job will be contingent on how good or bad your resume is. The hiring manager will be seeking to see whether your abilities are an excellent match for the organization. Many job seekers ask professional resume writers to come up with a generic resume which can be used for many targets. You ought to go through various interview questions associated with a sales executive job so that it is possible to prepare for it. In a couple of minutes, you'll have a flawless illustration of precisely how incredible you are as a prospective hire. When preparing your resume, there are plenty of matters you should think about. If you're thinking about how to create a resume, you're in the correct place! It is possible to develop into an expert right away. Highlight why you'd be suited to the job but make certain you don't repeat the info on your CV. When you produce your resume, it has a particular amount o f general information regarding you. All information provided ought to be regarded as fictional. Distinguish yourself from other candidates with the standard of information as opposed to the amount of your resume. Now let's try to know that. Our sample resume is a great case of the way you can package your years of sales experience for that managerial function. Furthermore, you can find out more about sales careers on Monster. Create a sales executive resume that contains all of your experiences in the area of sales especially the clients you've worked with and the achievements and citations which you've acquired within the full time duration that you're working in the business. If you devote the opportunity to compose a very good cover letter, it is only going to make your application more compelling. Don't assume the resume is only a bit of paper. Observing a professional cover letter format will enable you to get the interest of the reader. An excellent cover letter needs to be in a position to produce prospective employers take an interest in you. The demand for an automobile salesman resume cover letter is a matter of private option, but not quite as critical as it is with different professions. In an identical way that you may reference resume samples, the next Sales cover letter example can help you to compose a cover letter that most highlights your experience and qualifications. When you proceed through a cover letter sample, focus on the writing style and the overall impression it leaves behind. Consider it as how the provider defines a Sales Professional. If selling for you is more than simply earning a sale, you're a Sales Professional. If you've sold cars before you ought to be searching for a bigger, better dealer that will permit you to excel and set your sales skills to good use. Becoming a Sales Professional is an issue of experience. Convince the hiring manager by means of your experience. Great solution for job seekers with a different knowledge in various locations, which would only increase their odds to come across work by specific skills. These jobs are often lucrative, and lots of them provide an extremely satisfying level of flexibility and independence. Functional resumes supply you with the platform to display and highlight your abilities and experiences. Look back at your previous jobs. There are not any formal education requirements to be a cashier. In creating a resume you will use for a work application in any sales work position, you will need to be sure you have given enough information regarding your qualifications necessary for the work processes which are going to be given to you should you get hired by the company in which you have applied. When you'd like to reveal your abilities and have enough intriguing projects behind you back. You may also pick up many of the crucial skills by yourself, through on-the-job training or even volunteer work. Many businesses use some type of screening procedure to recognize the most suitable candidates. A sales resume should incorporate some sort of business educational background. To be successful in just about any form of sales occupation, you require the skills to convince a person to purchase your business's product. Last, you're need complex abilities, such as customer support, the capacity to forecast the way the marketplace will change in the coming months and years, and the capacity to discover target audiences and proper pricing for your merchandise. The Bad Secret of Sales Professional Resume Read the work description like your life is dependent on it. In summary, it's a quick advertisement of who you are in conditions of your professional life. In only a couple of short paragraphs, you should have the ability to reveal competent language skills, that you'd suit the role with regard to your abilities and experience, and that you've got a genuine interest in the job. The trick is to format the info in a manner that makes it simple to scan and recognise your job targets and relevant qualifications, Augustine tells us.